I wasn't the most patient person to begin with, but I've noticed in the last week or so I have lost what little bit of patience I had left. People are getting on my nerves so badly! I just want to stay home with the blinds shut where I don't have to see or talk to anyone. That's how bad it's getting. I'm tired of people's know-it-all attitudes. I'm just tired of people in general. I couldn't tell you one person in my life right now that isn't getting on my nerves.
I'm so tired of people who are older than me that already have kids or even people my age who have kids acting like I don't know what I'm getting into. I told one of my customers I wasn't sleeping well and she looked at my supervisor and said "Oh, honey...she has no clue what she's gotten into, does she?" WTF? Actually, I do know what I've gotten into. These babies weren't a surprise. They were planned. And yes, they're our first and we don't know exactly what it will be like but I know that there will be hundreds of sleepless nights. We aren't going into this thinking that it'll be picture perfect and our babies will sleep thru the night and just be angels. Then last night I was complaining about the noise the kids in the apartment two doors down were making. Seriously. It sounded like they had a boulder throwing it down their steps over and over and over. It went on for thirty or forty minutes. I can't imagine what the poor people in the apartment in between us felt like. Well, I put it on my FB status and two or three people commented about how I just need to wait until it's my kids and how I don't know what noise is yet. Once again, WTF? I'm sorry, but the noise those kids are making has nothing to do with my children. I'll have enough respect for my neighbors (which, I hope to be out of the hell hole before the kids can make that much noise) to not let my children keep the entire neighborhood up. It isn't kids being kids, either. It's kids being obnoxious while their parents don't pay attention to them. There's a difference.
I'm sorry I'm ranting. :( When people who have kids are actually trying to be helpful and give me advice, I gladly accept and appreciate it. However, when people act like they're better than me and I just don't know what I'm getting into, that's when it pisses me off.
Oh, and I have a headache today. I don't know if it's just a headache or if it's because of the emotional breakdown I had last night. In either case, I'm really missing ibuprophen today!!
I certainly hope you ladies have a better day than I am!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Ticker Change Saturday - Merry Christmas!
Happy Sunday, ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Kevin and I had a great time with our families. Saturday morning we woke up to five inches of snow at my parents' house. I was so excited! We were all so excited to see how Emma acted once she woke up and saw her presents from Santa! She didn't disappoint. The look on her face and the way her little eyes lit up was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Santa brought her a Barbie Jeep and when she saw it she went "oooooooohhhh" and just circled around it. She ended up opening all of her gifts while sitting in it! haha! Kevin and I got her a keyboard that looks like a cat and makes all kinds of noise. She absolutely loved the thing and wouldn't part with it during the day. My family told me I'd be getting paid back next year! ;)
On Christmas Day, I hit the 12 week mark. Just one week and three days left of 1st Trimester! I know anything can happen at any point, but if/when we make it to 13 weeks and 4 days, I will be so relieved.
According to Parents Connect, this week the bebes eyes and ears will move into place, making them look "more human". Their finger and toe nails are forming and they can now swallow. They have now doubled in size and are the length of your pinky finger. And by The Bump's ticker, they are the size of plums.
Here is a picture of what the bebes look like this week:
And for your viewing pleasure:

December 11, 2010 - 10 Weeks

December 25, 2010 - 12 Weeks
Now, I'm off to relax before bedtime! I hope you ladies are having a wonderful Sunday!
On Christmas Day, I hit the 12 week mark. Just one week and three days left of 1st Trimester! I know anything can happen at any point, but if/when we make it to 13 weeks and 4 days, I will be so relieved.
According to Parents Connect, this week the bebes eyes and ears will move into place, making them look "more human". Their finger and toe nails are forming and they can now swallow. They have now doubled in size and are the length of your pinky finger. And by The Bump's ticker, they are the size of plums.
Here is a picture of what the bebes look like this week:
And for your viewing pleasure:
December 11, 2010 - 10 Weeks
December 25, 2010 - 12 Weeks
Now, I'm off to relax before bedtime! I hope you ladies are having a wonderful Sunday!
Parents Connect,
The Bump,
Ticker Change Saturday
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
My whole world, so far!
It is no secret that I am head over in heels in love and just absolutely adore my baby sister's 16 month old daughter. I talk about her non-stop and I always have a picture to show off. She's just something else, that's for sure. I've thought she was gorgeous from the very first moment I laid my eyes on her the night she was born, but this little girl truly is beautiful! No matter where she is, she gets so many compliments. People are always telling Whitney she needs to be put in some type of baby contest. On top of being beautiful, the child has such a big personality! It's almost daily that I get a phone call from her! She'll scream "TeeTee" into the phone and just start jibber jabbering! She tells me about her whole day and just laughs. My family says she knows my ringtone and as soon as she hears yet, she screams "TeeTee". I love it! She "talks" to anyone who will listen and never meets a stranger. This weekend, my whole family came down for a visit and we went to a local steakhouse. Emma is at the point to where she wants to walk every where and not be carried. So, as we were walking from the bathroom to our table, she was strutting her stuff! It was hilarious! She waved at every table she passed and when they'd wave back, she'd clap and laugh so loud! One man said "Now, that's Christmas spirit right there!" It makes me such a proud auntie to know that everywhere she goes, people just fall in love with her. I never imagined I could love something as much as I do this little girl, until we found out we were pregnant. I can't imagine the love I'll feel when my babies get here. It's amazing how much a heart can hold!
I also want to talk about our other nieces and nephews! I have two older sisters, who I talk about in this post. Between the two of them I have a 16 year old and 4 year old niece, as well as a 13 year old and a 2 year old nephew. I've yet to meet any of them, but I love them like crazy! I talk to the two oldest ones quite a bit and they definitely make me feel old! haha! Kevin's sister also has two children, a 5 year old girl and a 2 year old son. They're hilarious and just so sweet!
It makes my heart happy that my babies are already starting out with so many cousins! All of my sisters are done having children and so is Kevin's sister, so it seems like our children will be the babies. I see this as a blessing and a curse! haha!
What about you ladies? Any other lucky aunties out there?
I also want to talk about our other nieces and nephews! I have two older sisters, who I talk about in this post. Between the two of them I have a 16 year old and 4 year old niece, as well as a 13 year old and a 2 year old nephew. I've yet to meet any of them, but I love them like crazy! I talk to the two oldest ones quite a bit and they definitely make me feel old! haha! Kevin's sister also has two children, a 5 year old girl and a 2 year old son. They're hilarious and just so sweet!
It makes my heart happy that my babies are already starting out with so many cousins! All of my sisters are done having children and so is Kevin's sister, so it seems like our children will be the babies. I see this as a blessing and a curse! haha!
What about you ladies? Any other lucky aunties out there?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Ticker Change Saturday!
Happy Saturday ladies! My day has been spent sleeping and cleaning. I got a total of 13 hours of sleep last night and still feel tired, but if I sleep too much I feel awful. I've felt okay this past week. My hips and tail bone have been hurting quite a bit, but I expected this sooner or later because of the disk degeneration I have in my back. I haven't been sick yet, but I'm still gagging and stay pretty nauseated. I'm hoping now that school is over and I don't have so much to worry about, I can get some of my energy back. We'll see!
Today, I'm 11 weeks! Only two weeks left of 1st Trimester and 29 weeks to go! I'm really hoping my babies make it full term. I've talked to three or four MoMs (Mommies of Multiples) in real life and none of them went full term. In fact, they were all put on bed rest at some point. I'm really praying this does not happen to me. I know that we will do whatever we can to make sure the bebes stay healthy, but the thought of taking that much time off from work really makes me sick. I'm trying to take it easy and not do too much, so hopefully this will help me out. I've also posted on the Multiples Board on the Bump and their stories go either way. Several mommies carried full term and worked right up until they had them. I'm crossing my fingers I'm one of those "success" stories.
According to the Bump, the bebes will grow to the size of limes this week. Parents Connect says they're two inches in length and weigh as much as two packets of sugar (weird analogy?). I was thrilled to read that all of the bebes' vital organs have now formed, which means the bebes aren't as susceptible to outside influences and the risk of defects decreases. Thank you, God. Now let's just hope nothing has hurt them yet! The fingernail and toenail beds have formed and the ears are in position. Their little heads are as big as their bodies! haha!
Our next appointment is January 4th, and I'll be 13w3d. According to certain calculations, that's my last day in the 1st Trimester. My doctor doesn't listen for the heartbeat until 2nd Tri, so maybe I'll luck up and she'll feel I'm far enough to listen. I was so relieved to see the flicker of their little hearts, but I know hearing them will be a bigger relief. According to the NP, since there are two babies, I get extra ultrasounds. Maybe we'll get to see them again? I'm not getting my hopes up for that though!
Tonight my friend, Jessica, and her little girl are coming to hangout while the hubbies play poker. I'm really excited to see her and Tanzi! They used to live in the apartment next to us, but they recently moved to a bigger place, as they're expecting their second child in April. I cannot wait for that baby to be here! :)
I hope whatever your Saturday night plans are, you ladies have a great time!
Today, I'm 11 weeks! Only two weeks left of 1st Trimester and 29 weeks to go! I'm really hoping my babies make it full term. I've talked to three or four MoMs (Mommies of Multiples) in real life and none of them went full term. In fact, they were all put on bed rest at some point. I'm really praying this does not happen to me. I know that we will do whatever we can to make sure the bebes stay healthy, but the thought of taking that much time off from work really makes me sick. I'm trying to take it easy and not do too much, so hopefully this will help me out. I've also posted on the Multiples Board on the Bump and their stories go either way. Several mommies carried full term and worked right up until they had them. I'm crossing my fingers I'm one of those "success" stories.
According to the Bump, the bebes will grow to the size of limes this week. Parents Connect says they're two inches in length and weigh as much as two packets of sugar (weird analogy?). I was thrilled to read that all of the bebes' vital organs have now formed, which means the bebes aren't as susceptible to outside influences and the risk of defects decreases. Thank you, God. Now let's just hope nothing has hurt them yet! The fingernail and toenail beds have formed and the ears are in position. Their little heads are as big as their bodies! haha!
Our next appointment is January 4th, and I'll be 13w3d. According to certain calculations, that's my last day in the 1st Trimester. My doctor doesn't listen for the heartbeat until 2nd Tri, so maybe I'll luck up and she'll feel I'm far enough to listen. I was so relieved to see the flicker of their little hearts, but I know hearing them will be a bigger relief. According to the NP, since there are two babies, I get extra ultrasounds. Maybe we'll get to see them again? I'm not getting my hopes up for that though!
Tonight my friend, Jessica, and her little girl are coming to hangout while the hubbies play poker. I'm really excited to see her and Tanzi! They used to live in the apartment next to us, but they recently moved to a bigger place, as they're expecting their second child in April. I cannot wait for that baby to be here! :)
I hope whatever your Saturday night plans are, you ladies have a great time!
Parents Connect,
The Bump,
Ticker Change Saturday,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Free at last! Free at last!
This past Tuesday was my last class of the semester! Yay! Our final draft of the paper is due by midnight tonight, so we all know what I'll be doing tonight. I just can't wait to be finished with it!
We all know I love the snow, but ice? That's a whole nother story. Ashley and I barely made it down our hill this morning. My car had a solid sheet of ice on it, so it took us awhile to get it cleared off enough to see through the windows. I'm just hoping I can make it back up my hill after work. Walking up the hill was no fun before I was pregnant, but now? I can't imagine. I get winded walking up our steps! haha!
Kevin and I did some of our shopping for our nieces and nephews last night. We have gifts for four of them down, and three to go. I know what we're getting them all, except Emma. The child has tons of toys and loves Dora. I thought about getting her some clothes with Dora on them. Whitney told me Emma saw a gift wrapped in Dora wrapping paper and just went nuts over it. I would have loved to have seen that!
What about you ladies? Have you all finished all of your shopping?
We all know I love the snow, but ice? That's a whole nother story. Ashley and I barely made it down our hill this morning. My car had a solid sheet of ice on it, so it took us awhile to get it cleared off enough to see through the windows. I'm just hoping I can make it back up my hill after work. Walking up the hill was no fun before I was pregnant, but now? I can't imagine. I get winded walking up our steps! haha!
Kevin and I did some of our shopping for our nieces and nephews last night. We have gifts for four of them down, and three to go. I know what we're getting them all, except Emma. The child has tons of toys and loves Dora. I thought about getting her some clothes with Dora on them. Whitney told me Emma saw a gift wrapped in Dora wrapping paper and just went nuts over it. I would have loved to have seen that!
What about you ladies? Have you all finished all of your shopping?
So very happy!!
One of the Bumpies that I'm the closest to just got her BFP this morning!! I'm so very excited and happy for her. She and I, along with two other Bumpies, e-mail each other all day long. The four of us say we're like old college roomies who are all in different parts of the country now! Now our little circle is complete, all four of us are pregnant! Congrats, MT! I love you and Baby MT very much! :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ticker Change Saturday!
Happy Saturday, ladies! I've made it to ten weeks! Yay!
I usually put all of this information in my own words, but I'm so hungry right now, I'm in a rush! Here is the info on the bebes this week! I got this from Parents Connect, which is one of my favorite websites right now!
By the end of Week 10, your baby graduates from embryo to fetus, which literally means "little one." It also translates to "I'm just going to keep getting bigger and bigger and so are you!" Other highlights this week:
Your baby has finally morphed from a little tadpole into, well, a baby. Not only is the face more human-like, but that unflattering "tail" (really just the developing spinal cord) has disappeared, fusing into the spinal column.
Your baby now has discernible fingers and toes, which will explain the steady stream of kicks and punches you'll feel down the line.
Junior's skeleton is starting to grow and harden. The ears are beginning to take shape and the eyelids are no longer transparent. Tooth buds are forming, although your baby won't get any teeth until six or seven (or eight or nine or 10) months after birth.
Baby's brain will make an incredible 25,000 new neurons every minute this week. While you may feel like you're losing as many as he's gaining, we can assure you it's not permanent. "Pregnancy brain," like nausea and bloating, is a temporary symptom that soon shall pass. (And then you'll get "Mommy brain," but we won't go there now.)
If you're baby is a boy, he's started producing that macho hormone testosterone. And whether your baby is a boy or a girl, the kidneys are creating copious amounts of urine. Lucky for you, you won't have to change a diaper for another 30 weeks.
Baby weighs only 4 grams and measures 1½ inches, about the size of a mondo Brazil nut.
Here's what the Bebes look like this week! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!
I usually put all of this information in my own words, but I'm so hungry right now, I'm in a rush! Here is the info on the bebes this week! I got this from Parents Connect, which is one of my favorite websites right now!
By the end of Week 10, your baby graduates from embryo to fetus, which literally means "little one." It also translates to "I'm just going to keep getting bigger and bigger and so are you!" Other highlights this week:
Your baby has finally morphed from a little tadpole into, well, a baby. Not only is the face more human-like, but that unflattering "tail" (really just the developing spinal cord) has disappeared, fusing into the spinal column.
Your baby now has discernible fingers and toes, which will explain the steady stream of kicks and punches you'll feel down the line.
Junior's skeleton is starting to grow and harden. The ears are beginning to take shape and the eyelids are no longer transparent. Tooth buds are forming, although your baby won't get any teeth until six or seven (or eight or nine or 10) months after birth.
Baby's brain will make an incredible 25,000 new neurons every minute this week. While you may feel like you're losing as many as he's gaining, we can assure you it's not permanent. "Pregnancy brain," like nausea and bloating, is a temporary symptom that soon shall pass. (And then you'll get "Mommy brain," but we won't go there now.)
If you're baby is a boy, he's started producing that macho hormone testosterone. And whether your baby is a boy or a girl, the kidneys are creating copious amounts of urine. Lucky for you, you won't have to change a diaper for another 30 weeks.
Baby weighs only 4 grams and measures 1½ inches, about the size of a mondo Brazil nut.
Here's what the Bebes look like this week! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
My cup runneth over...
Happy Thankful Thursday, ladies! :)
I'm rather emotional today, just thinking about all of my blessings in life. I will admit, I'm the world's worst at focusing on the negative in life and not the positive. I have a mother who is the same and we're both constantly worrying ourselves to death. Kevin on the other hand is completely different and is so carefree. You can imagine how this works out in our household. Can you imagine what will happen when our bebes make their arrival?
First and foremost, I am so very thankful for my bebes. I was just thinking this morning how lucky I have been so far with my pregnancy. During the six months of TTC, it felt as if it was taking us forever to become pregnant, but in reality it did not take long at all. I've yet to be sick (knock on wood), despite all the nausea and gagging I've had. I'm exhausted constantly, but for the most part I feel fine. And now, we've found out we're expecting two miracles, instead of one. I feel so undeserving of this blessing. There are so many wonderful women out there who may never experience one blessing and God has blessed me with two. I know it is still very early in my pregnancy and I could lose one or both of the bebes at any moment, but I'm just so very thankful to be experiencing this at all. I keep staring at the picture at my teller station and just can't believe that those are my babies and not someone else's. I just can't help but smile at the fact that they will have a best friend for life and share an amazing bond with one another that those of us without twins do not understand.
Second, I'm thankful for the wonderful support system Kevin and I have. There are so many people in our lives who loved our bebe as soon as they found out. Yesterday when we told them there were two, it made my heart so happy to see how happy they were for us. So many people are already asking us to move back to where I'm from so they can help us with them. My sister's best friend is already clipping coupons for diapers and my cousin is already talking about the outfits he's going to buy. It's overwhelming to know that so many people are willing to help us. Once again, I feel undeserving of it!
Finally, I'm so thankful that my sister and so many of my friends have small children or are pregnant. My bebes will instantly have friends to go through life with. My close friend Ashley and I were talking last night about how they're all going to grow up as cousins and have a love/hate relationship with one another. I can't wait to watch them all grow together!
What are you ladies thankful for today?
I'm rather emotional today, just thinking about all of my blessings in life. I will admit, I'm the world's worst at focusing on the negative in life and not the positive. I have a mother who is the same and we're both constantly worrying ourselves to death. Kevin on the other hand is completely different and is so carefree. You can imagine how this works out in our household. Can you imagine what will happen when our bebes make their arrival?
First and foremost, I am so very thankful for my bebes. I was just thinking this morning how lucky I have been so far with my pregnancy. During the six months of TTC, it felt as if it was taking us forever to become pregnant, but in reality it did not take long at all. I've yet to be sick (knock on wood), despite all the nausea and gagging I've had. I'm exhausted constantly, but for the most part I feel fine. And now, we've found out we're expecting two miracles, instead of one. I feel so undeserving of this blessing. There are so many wonderful women out there who may never experience one blessing and God has blessed me with two. I know it is still very early in my pregnancy and I could lose one or both of the bebes at any moment, but I'm just so very thankful to be experiencing this at all. I keep staring at the picture at my teller station and just can't believe that those are my babies and not someone else's. I just can't help but smile at the fact that they will have a best friend for life and share an amazing bond with one another that those of us without twins do not understand.
Second, I'm thankful for the wonderful support system Kevin and I have. There are so many people in our lives who loved our bebe as soon as they found out. Yesterday when we told them there were two, it made my heart so happy to see how happy they were for us. So many people are already asking us to move back to where I'm from so they can help us with them. My sister's best friend is already clipping coupons for diapers and my cousin is already talking about the outfits he's going to buy. It's overwhelming to know that so many people are willing to help us. Once again, I feel undeserving of it!
Finally, I'm so thankful that my sister and so many of my friends have small children or are pregnant. My bebes will instantly have friends to go through life with. My close friend Ashley and I were talking last night about how they're all going to grow up as cousins and have a love/hate relationship with one another. I can't wait to watch them all grow together!
What are you ladies thankful for today?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Results of my first ultrasound! :)
This morning was our first ultrasound and to say that I was nervous going in there is a huge understatement. I've just read too many stories of women going in and receiving bad news at their ultrasound. While taking the measurements, the u/s tech was really quiet but I was so nervous I was talking a mile a minute, so I figured she just couldn't get a word in edgewise!
She finished her measurements and turned the screen toward us. I instantly thought something looked "different" but I pushed it aside....until the u/s tech said the words "Well, there are two babies!" I'm ashamed to say that that the first words out of my mouth were "Holy Sh**!" Kevin was shocked, but gained enough composure to ask if the heart rates were strong and if all the limbs were there. I'm happy to say everything looked great! Both heart rates were 182bpm and both are measuring at 9w3d. My doctor says that both of these are rare for twins! They're sharing the same gestational sac, but are in different amnio sacs. It looks like our babies are identical twins! :)
Now, I'm going to be a proud mommy and show my bebes off!
She finished her measurements and turned the screen toward us. I instantly thought something looked "different" but I pushed it aside....until the u/s tech said the words "Well, there are two babies!" I'm ashamed to say that that the first words out of my mouth were "Holy Sh**!" Kevin was shocked, but gained enough composure to ask if the heart rates were strong and if all the limbs were there. I'm happy to say everything looked great! Both heart rates were 182bpm and both are measuring at 9w3d. My doctor says that both of these are rare for twins! They're sharing the same gestational sac, but are in different amnio sacs. It looks like our babies are identical twins! :)
Now, I'm going to be a proud mommy and show my bebes off!
So precious!
Both of them were standing on their heads at one point! Baby B even waved! :)
I'm so very in love already!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Bad blogger!
I was doing so well at keeping up with this, too! Let's see what has happened since I've last updated!
Last Saturday, a week ago from today, I hit the 8 week mark! Bebe grew to the size of a raspberry and its eyelids, ears, upper lip and the top of its nose formed. It also began moving, even though I can't feel it! Bebe also went from being an embryo to a fetus. :)
Here's a picture of Bebe from Week 8:
On Sunday, the 28th, we celebrated our 1st Anniversary! We didn't get to do anything special, but that's okay. We ate at Cracker Barrel that morning and then I came home to work on a paper, while he helped his best friend move. We did get to eat a piece of our wedding cake and, amazingly, it still tasted great! You couldn't even tell it was a year old. Hopefully, next year we'll get to do something fun!
Here's one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day!
I have two more weeks of school left and then I'm good to go! The rough draft of my paper was due this past week and sadly, I missed the required amount by 200 words. I was pretty upset, but I'm to the point now where I just don't care. I hate being this way! I have my presentation on Tuesday night and I'm hoping that goes well. I hate speaking in front of my peers!
Today I enter the 9th week! Bebe grows to the size of a green olive, will become a inch in length and weigh less than a penny! It develops hair follicles and little itty bitty nipples, as well as it's pancreas and galbladder. Also, it develops either it's "hoo-ha or wee-wee" (the website's words, not mine! haha!), even though we won't see it for several weeks! Mother's intuition kicked in this week and I feel as is Bebe will be a baby girl. Kevin, however, still feels it is a boy! Some exciting stuff happens this week!
Here's what Bebe looks like this week:
This coming Wednesday is our first ultrasound. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I'm just hoping and praying and crossing everything I have that my bebe will be growing normally! I will definitely update you all with a picture.
Soooo, enough about me. How are you ladies? Did you all have a good week? I sure hope so!
EDITED TO ADD: How could I forget?! My best friend, Amy Jo, found out this past Saturday that she is pregnant! It's definitely answered prayer for her and her husband, as she was diagnosed with PCOS and has went thru so much to get here! The best part? Our babies will be so close in age! Our due dates are exactly four weeks apart. Amy Jo and I have known each other almost our whole lives and became close friends when were 12 years old. It's going to be so fun watching our babies grow together! We're both going to the same OB/GYN and delivering at the same hospital. Our babies could possibly come the same day! :)
EDITED TO ADD: How could I forget?! My best friend, Amy Jo, found out this past Saturday that she is pregnant! It's definitely answered prayer for her and her husband, as she was diagnosed with PCOS and has went thru so much to get here! The best part? Our babies will be so close in age! Our due dates are exactly four weeks apart. Amy Jo and I have known each other almost our whole lives and became close friends when were 12 years old. It's going to be so fun watching our babies grow together! We're both going to the same OB/GYN and delivering at the same hospital. Our babies could possibly come the same day! :)
1st Anniversary,
Grad School,
Ticker Change Saturday
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