Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Tonight, against my better judgement, we're going to a local haunted corn maze. To say that I'm nervous is an understatement. I don't do well with scary things! The last one we went to, I ended up breaking down in the middle of the maze because someone dressed as Pin Face from Hell Raiser wouldn't get off me. Kevin finally had to push him off me! And why am I going tonight?? I'm very easily coaxed into things by my friends. I don't do well with peer pressure either! I will definitely update you guys on how it goes!

Tomorrow, we're having pictures made with one of our really good friends. I'm definitely excited about this! She's thinking of taking us to a covered bridge and things like that! I'm really excited to have some Fall themed pica! I even picked us up a coordinating outfit. Yeah, we're one of those couples. I'm hoping we'll pick up a pumpkin on the way home and do some carving tomorrow night, too. I haven't carved a pumpkin in a really long time, so I'm really excited about that, too!

This coming week, Kevin and I both are on vacation! Wahoo! I'm so glad to have a break from work. I'm definitely burnt out on the place. We aren't going anywhere big because I have some stuff for school to finish, but we're trying to plan a day trip to Asheville, NC to visit Vance Birthplace. I have to visit a public history site for my research class, so we decided to go there after my professor suggested it. We also have a ton of cleaning to do around here. Sadly, the thing I'm looking foward to the most is sleeping past 8:00 every morning! Pathetic, huh?

Well, that's all for now! Hopefully, I'll update tomorrow with some pictures! Hope you ladies have a great Saturday!


  1. Sounds like lots of festive fall happenings! Have fun : )

  2. Oh my gosh, that corn maze thing sounds horrible! I don't watch scary movies and I hate things jumping out at me. That is not my idea of a good time, but I hope you survived it and had fun!
