Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello 2nd Tri!

I'm officially in 2nd Trimester and I'm so happy to be here! However, 1st Trimester sent me out with a bang. I've had a migraine, a stomach virus and kidney stones. The virus and migraine are gone, but I can still feel some discomfort from the stone. My doctor told me that I should drink quite a bit of water and she prescribed me antibiotics to fight infection. The past two days have been rough. I'm hoping to get some energy back and feel better soon. My mom is coming down tomorrow to help me with dishes and laundry. I hate admitting I need help, but I'm just so tired. Can you imagine when the bebes get here, how tired I'll be? I'm just waiting for that comment from someone! haha! 

Well, that's all for now. I'll leave you ladies with a progress survey. :)

How far along? 13 weeks 4 days, hello 2nd Trimester! 

weight gain: According to the doctor's records, eight pounds. I don't think it's accurate though. I've always ate before I went in. Our scale isn't working at home right now. Bleh!

maternity clothes? Yep! If I'm not wearing maternity pants, I'm wearing my beband. I love maternity shirts, but I have a few flowy shirts from pre-pregnancy that I can wear, too.

stretch marks? None yet, but I know they'll show up eventually. 

sleep? I sleep just fine until Mr. Baker comes to bed at 5:30 in the morning and then I'm wide awake. 

best moment this week? Hearing their heartbeats! I've never felt so relieved in my life. It was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard!

food cravings: Anything salty, especially pickles! How cliche, right?

gender: We'll find out on February 8th, hopefully! We're thinking boys, but since that's what we're thinking, they'll be girls. 

belly button in or out? In. I have a deep belly button. It'll be awhile before it comes out, if it does at all!

movement? I've felt flutters the past three or four days. It tickles like crazy! I've noticed it more at night when I'm laying on the couch. 

what I miss? Drinking both sweet tea and coffee in the same day. I don't like choosing! 

what I'm looking forward to: Feeling little thumps from them moving and finding out what they are!


  1. How in the world are you all the way to 2nd Tri already!?! That is just craziness. I'm so sorry to hear you were feeling yucky...hope those kidney stones pass painlessly!

    Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  2. Oh goodness, I hope you're feeling better soon! and it's definitely good to be asking for help! :) Congrats on 2nd tri! Yay!

  3. Dang girl! I hope you feel better soon:)I can't believe you are already in 2nd tri though! Seems like yesterday you were announcing your bfp lol You should start posting some belly pics:P

  4. Aw, you are feeling your babies way sooner than I did! That's exciting. Maybe you won't get any stretch marks! I know I only had 1 baby in there, but I never got any :)
