Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So long patience!

I wasn't the most patient person to begin with, but I've noticed in the last week or so I have lost what little bit of patience I had left. People are getting on my nerves so badly! I just want to stay home with the blinds shut where I don't have to see or talk to anyone. That's how bad it's getting. I'm tired of people's know-it-all attitudes. I'm just tired of people in general. I couldn't tell you one person in my life right now that isn't getting on my nerves.

I'm so tired of people who are older than me that already have kids or even people my age who have kids acting like I don't know what I'm getting into. I told one of my customers I wasn't sleeping well and she looked at my supervisor and said "Oh, honey...she has no clue what she's gotten into, does she?" WTF? Actually, I do know what I've gotten into. These babies weren't a surprise. They were planned. And yes, they're our first and we don't know exactly what it will be like but I know that there will be hundreds of sleepless nights. We aren't going into this thinking that it'll be picture perfect and our babies will sleep thru the night and just be angels. Then last night I was complaining about the noise the kids in the apartment two doors down were making. Seriously. It sounded like they had a boulder throwing it down their steps over and over and over. It went on for thirty or forty minutes. I can't imagine what the poor people in the apartment in between us felt like. Well, I put it on my FB status and two or three people commented about how I just need to wait until it's my kids and how I don't know what noise is yet. Once again, WTF? I'm sorry, but the noise those kids are making has nothing to do with my children. I'll have enough respect for my neighbors (which, I hope to be out of the hell hole before the kids can make that much noise) to not let my children keep the entire neighborhood up. It isn't kids being kids, either. It's kids being obnoxious while their parents don't pay attention to them. There's a difference.

I'm sorry I'm ranting. :( When people who have kids are actually trying to be helpful and give me advice, I gladly accept and appreciate it. However, when people act like they're better than me and I just don't know what I'm getting into, that's when it pisses me off.

Oh, and I have a headache today. I don't know if it's just a headache or if it's because of the emotional breakdown I had last night. In either case, I'm really missing ibuprophen today!!

I certainly hope you ladies have a better day than I am!


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated! I hope you do get to hide away behind your blinds...and eat ice-cream and watch lots of Lifetime (without the loud children down the way).

  2. You are going to be a wonderful mother. Please don't let anyone make you think differently. I wish people would mind their own business. The world would be a much, much better place.

    I <3 ya girl!

  3. Oh girl, I can't wait for those comments to start. I don't know if I'll be good like you and hold my tongue, because I completely understand the lack of patience. It's ridiculous, and people did the same thing when we got married/were newlyweds. Do we look like complete idiots who just ended up in these positions? Haha you've got me going.

    You guys are going to be wonderful parents! I know the unsolicited comments and advice won't stop, but I hope you can tune it out or come back with great comments!

  4. Ugh. I'm with Andrea.

    I say next time someone decides to give you "advice" you give them a piece of your mind. I seriously think people loose all common sense when a woman becomes pregnant. Whether it be touching the quesadilla you just had for lunch, or given unsolicited advice.

    I hope the crazies leave you alone, hun!
