Thursday, December 9, 2010

My cup runneth over...

Happy Thankful Thursday, ladies! :)

I'm rather emotional today, just thinking about all of my blessings in life. I will admit, I'm the world's worst at focusing on the negative in life and not the positive. I have a mother who is the same and we're both constantly worrying ourselves to death. Kevin on the other hand is completely different and is so carefree. You can imagine how this works out in our household. Can you imagine what will happen when our bebes make their arrival?

First and foremost, I am so very thankful for my bebes. I was just thinking this morning how lucky I have been so far with my pregnancy. During the six months of TTC, it felt as if it was taking us forever to become pregnant, but in reality it did not take long at all. I've yet to be sick (knock on wood), despite all the nausea and gagging I've had. I'm exhausted constantly, but for the most part I feel fine. And now, we've found out we're expecting two miracles, instead of one. I feel so undeserving of this blessing. There are so many wonderful women out there who may never experience one blessing and God has blessed me with two. I know it is still very early in my pregnancy and I could lose one or both of the bebes at any moment, but I'm just so very thankful to be experiencing this at all. I keep staring at the picture at my teller station and just can't believe that those are my babies and not someone else's. I just can't help but smile at the fact that they will have a best friend for life and share an amazing bond with one another that those of us without twins do not understand.

Second, I'm thankful for the wonderful support system Kevin and I have. There are so many people in our lives who loved our bebe as soon as they found out. Yesterday when we told them there were two, it made my heart so happy to see how happy they were for us. So many people are already asking us to move back to where I'm from so they can help us with them. My sister's best friend is already clipping coupons for diapers and my cousin is already talking about the outfits he's going to buy. It's overwhelming to know that so many people are willing to help us. Once again, I feel undeserving of it!

Finally, I'm so thankful that my sister and so many of my friends have small children or are pregnant. My bebes will instantly have friends to go through life with. My close friend Ashley and I were talking last night about how they're all going to grow up as cousins and have a love/hate relationship with one another. I can't wait to watch them all grow together!

What are you ladies thankful for today?


  1. You've got me all teared up over here! You are 100% deserving of it all and you're going to be such a great mommy!

    Me...I'm thankful for you and our little group of Bumpie friends to help me keep my sanity :) Your friendship means more to me than I ever thought "Internet stranger friendship" could.

  2. Hi! Thanks so much for the comment on my post yesterday! I was kind of a wimp about putting it out there so bluntly.... In any case, hello to another East TN native. I grew up in Anderson County - what about you?
