Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ticker Change Saturday!

Happy Saturday ladies! My day has been spent sleeping and cleaning. I got a total of 13 hours of sleep last night and still feel tired, but if I sleep too much I feel awful. I've felt okay this past week. My hips and tail bone have been hurting quite a bit, but I expected this sooner or later because of the disk degeneration I have in my back. I haven't been sick yet, but I'm still gagging and stay pretty nauseated. I'm hoping now that school is over and I don't have so much to worry about, I can get some of my energy back. We'll see!

Today, I'm 11 weeks! Only two weeks left of 1st Trimester and 29 weeks to go! I'm really hoping my babies make it full term. I've talked to three or four MoMs (Mommies of Multiples) in real life and none of them went full term. In fact, they were all put on bed rest at some point. I'm really praying this does not happen to me. I know that we will do whatever we can to make sure the bebes stay healthy, but the thought of taking that much time off from work really makes me sick. I'm trying to take it easy and not do too much, so hopefully this will help me out. I've also posted on the Multiples Board on the Bump and their stories go either way. Several mommies carried full term and worked right up until they had them. I'm crossing my fingers I'm one of those "success" stories.

According to the Bump, the bebes will grow to the size of limes this week. Parents Connect says they're two inches in length and weigh as much as two packets of sugar (weird analogy?). I was thrilled to read that all of the bebes' vital organs have now formed, which means the bebes aren't as susceptible to outside influences and the risk of defects decreases. Thank you, God. Now let's just hope nothing has hurt them yet! The fingernail and toenail beds have formed and the ears are in position. Their little heads are as big as their bodies! haha!

Our next appointment is January 4th, and I'll be 13w3d. According to certain calculations, that's my last day in the 1st Trimester. My doctor doesn't listen for the heartbeat until 2nd Tri, so maybe I'll luck up and she'll feel I'm far enough to listen. I was so relieved to see the flicker of their little hearts, but I know hearing them will be a bigger relief. According to the NP, since there are two babies, I get extra ultrasounds. Maybe we'll get to see them again? I'm not getting my hopes up for that though!

Tonight my friend, Jessica, and her little girl are coming to hangout while the hubbies play poker. I'm really excited to see her and Tanzi! They used to live in the apartment next to us, but they recently moved to a bigger place, as they're expecting their second child in April. I cannot wait for that baby to be here! :)

I hope whatever your Saturday night plans are, you ladies have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Second tri is so close? How is that possible?! I'm sure twins = double the worry, but I know lots of healthy, happy twins, even if they did make their arrival early, so try not to worry too much!
