Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bad blogger!

I was doing so well at keeping up with this, too! Let's see what has happened since I've last updated!

Last Saturday, a week ago from today, I hit the 8 week mark! Bebe grew to the size of a raspberry and its eyelids, ears, upper lip and the top of its nose formed. It also began moving, even though I can't feel it! Bebe also went from being an embryo to a fetus. :)

Here's a picture of Bebe from Week 8: 

On Sunday, the 28th, we celebrated our 1st Anniversary! We didn't get to do anything special, but that's okay. We ate at Cracker Barrel that morning and then I came home to work on a paper, while he helped his best friend move. We did get to eat a piece of our wedding cake and, amazingly, it still tasted great! You couldn't even tell it was a year old. Hopefully, next year we'll get to do something fun!

Here's one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day! 

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I have two more weeks of school left and then I'm good to go! The rough draft of my paper was due this past week and sadly, I missed the required amount by 200 words. I was pretty upset, but I'm to the point now where I just don't care. I hate being this way! I have my presentation on Tuesday night and I'm hoping that goes well. I hate speaking in front of my peers!

Today I enter the 9th week! Bebe grows to the size of a green olive, will become a inch in length and weigh less than a penny! It develops hair follicles and little itty bitty nipples, as well as it's pancreas and galbladder. Also, it develops either it's "hoo-ha or wee-wee" (the website's words, not mine! haha!), even though we won't see it for several weeks! Mother's intuition kicked in this week and I feel as is Bebe will be a baby girl. Kevin, however, still feels it is a boy! Some exciting stuff happens this week! 

Here's what Bebe looks like this week:

This coming Wednesday is our first ultrasound. I'm excited and scared all at the same time. I'm just hoping and praying and crossing everything I have that my bebe will be growing normally! I will definitely update you all with a picture.

Soooo, enough about me. How are you ladies? Did you all have a good week? I sure hope so!

EDITED TO ADD: How could I forget?! My best friend, Amy Jo, found out this past Saturday that she is pregnant! It's definitely answered prayer for her and her husband, as she was diagnosed with PCOS and has went thru so much to get here! The best part? Our babies will be so close in age! Our due dates are exactly four weeks apart. Amy Jo and I have known each other almost our whole lives and became close friends when were 12 years old. It's going to be so fun  watching our babies grow together!  We're both going to the same OB/GYN and delivering at the same hospital. Our babies could possibly come the same day! :) 


  1. Happy Anniversary, and yay for your baby graduating from embryo to fetus!!

  2. That is awesome that your friend is pregnant too! How fun and how great for her. And happy belated anniversary!

  3. Yay for Bebe-a fetus!! So excited for you guys! And happy anniversary, I'm glad your cake tasted yummy, ours was a freezer-burnt mess!! I'm so happy that you and your best friend get to be pregnant together, it is going to be amazing :-)
