Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I don't respect the turkey!

We've already switched the radio to a local station that plays nothing but Christmas music from the second/third week of November until Christmas Day at work. We're also putting up the Christmas decorations tomorrow, that way when we come in Friday it'll be Christmas-y! :)

I have so much due for school in the next three weeks and you know what I'm worried about?? Getting my Christmas decorations and tree out! I'm definitely putting it up this weekend if it kills me and I don't finish my paper. A girl has priorities, ya know!

How about you ladies? When will you put your Christmas decor out?

Well, I really thought I would have more to post, but I don't! Have a great day!


  1. I am hoping to get all my Christmas stuff up starting Friday. I broke out the Christmas CDs in the car yesterday :-)

    Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I think we'll get everything out on Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. We put up our tree and lights this weekend! I always feel like I HAVE to do it Thanksgiving weekend. HA!
