Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hump Day Ramblings!

My poor blog. It has been severely neglected over the past few months. I always have the urge to write something, but nothing ever comes to mind. I want to be one of those bloggers that people enjoy reading and not one of those that give a play by play of every second of my day. That just reminds me too much of LiveJournal from my high school days! Did anyone else have a LiveJournal?

Next week is Thanksgiving! I can't believe it. Where in the world has this year gone? Time is flying by so quickly. Before I know it, July will be here and I'll be holding my precious bebe. I feel as if there is so much to get done before he/she gets here that I want time to slow down, but at the same time I want it to hurry up! I want to see my bebe!

Anywho, back to Thanksgiving! A few of my classmates aren't even going home to eat with their families. That made me sad. I know we go to school all on our own, but at the same time, I hate it's taking away from family time. One lady said she's worried about finding the time to make dinner. Maybe it's just me, but I won't do that. My family will always come first. Which leads me to some other news. I'm not going back to school after this semester. I thought I could handle both school and pregnancy, but I can't. Obviously the health of bebe comes first. I may go back next Spring, but who knows. I feel as if this whole semester has been a waste. And it's definitely all we hear from the professor, too. Not one time have we been told we'll get a job or even get into a Ph.D program after this. What a way to sell your program, ETSU. Oh, well!

My friend Jennifer and I were texting about Black Friday yesterday. I've never been and have no plans to go anytime soon. Do any of you hit up the sales on Black Friday? Where do you usually go?

Well, back to work for me! Boo! Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Hey, that's me! :)

    I think you're making the right decision about taking a break from school. I know it was stressing you out tremendously. After all, it gives you more time to shop for bebe!

  2. I'm shopping on Black Friday...ONLINE! No way I'd get in that mess. I hate shopping most of the time as it is!
