Monday, November 8, 2010

5 Weeks 3 Days

Today I am 5 weeks and 3 days along (not that I'm counting or anything). As each day passes, I feel I can breathe a bit easier but at the same time I'm still scared. Never have I wanted anything so badly in my life and it terrifies me to think something will happen! As some wise Bumpies say "Today, I am pregnant and I love my baby." I thank God each day he allows me to experience this, nausea and exhaustion included!

This week, bebe is the size of an appleseed. Even though I won't be able to hear it for a few more weeks, its heart starts beating and pumping blood through its teeny tiny body! Also, the brain; the cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems; and all other major systems are forming! It's amazing, it really is!

I've thought about taking weekly "bump" pictures, but I'm lacking the bump. It's nothing but bloat! I've also become obsessed with Old Navy maternity clothes. I bargain shopped this weekend and got several deals! I can't wait until I'm sporting the baby bump and can fill them all out.

Kevin and I went grocery shopping last night for the first time since finding out I'm pregnant. All that food made me feel so sick! I couldn't believe it. So far, I haven't been sick one time. I hope it stays this way, at least for a few more weeks!

Well, that's all for now! I thought I'd leave you with a picture of what bebe looks like this week. I think it looks like a manitee!


  1. It will fly by...I remember being 5 weeks pregnant myself! :)

  2. A manatee-haha! I can imagine the feelings that are going through you, I assume I will feel the same way one day! I'm glad you are doing so well, and I can't blame you for bargain-shopping, now that all of the summer maternity clothes are on clearance, it is the perfect time to buy them for when you are sporting your spring/summer bump! Best wishes, and we miss you!

  3. I feel the same way Tiffany!! NO sickness yet just nausea and I want to sleep ALL the time :) Praying for you and your manatee :)
