Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I talk about my grandmother a lot, both on here and in real life. I think about her more than I talk about her. There isn't a single day that goes by that she doesn't cross my mind in some way. Sometimes I'll see a car that looks like hers, I'll cuddle up to the afghan she made, or I'll watch Emma with my mom and just pray she looks at mom the way Whitney and I looked at our mamaw. I wish everyday she was here to meet bebe. Oh, how she'd love him (yes, him. My dad and sister are positive it will be a boy)! And no doubt about it, Bebe would adore her completely. I heard someone else say they wish their grandmother could meet their babies, but that they had no doubt she had already met them before they did? Was that you, Kelli? Whoever it was, I'm stealing your thought. I'd like to think she's preparing him for all the crazy drama that comes with being apart of my family!

She's been on my mind a lot more lately than usual. I'm sure it's a mixture of bebe and the Holidays. It's also because my supervisor at work is teaching me to crochet. She could crochet anything! She also did the needlepoint on plastic canvas. Do you guys know what I'm talking about? If not, here are some pictures I found through Google.

It's basically yarn and this plastic grid looking thing. You can buy books that show you the patterns and stuff like that. She would always make all kinds of Christmas decorations. My mom still has all kinds of stuff she made. They're all a wonderful reminder of what an amazing woman she was. I really want to learn how to do this, so after the holidays I'm gonna start on it. Maybe I can make bebe some things?

Anywho, this turned out longer than I thought it would be, but I just wanted to say I'm so very thankful for her. I'm thankful for her every day and I miss her so much!


  1. I'm sorry she can't be there, but I love that thought about her meeting your little one before you ever do! I think it would also be very cool to make some baby things like that remembering her.

  2. And hey, lady, the top of your blog still says you're 25! Get on that! :)

  3. What a sweet post! I'm sure she's met "him" already as well :)
    Oh, and I used to be able to crochet, but all I ever learned to do was one long strand, haha, Mom never got around to showing me how to connect it to actually make something! I'd love to learn to needlepoint or knit though.

  4. i know 110% where you're coming from! you know how close i was to my grandma and i'd give anything for her to see elaina, but i know she already has. call me crazy but when elaina's just looking off into space and starts smiling, i like to think that she sees her guardian angel/great-grandma. sometimes she'll be in bed and just start cooing and talking...and i always think 'maybe she's saying her goodnight prayers with her angel'...i know, some people think i'm nuts, but it makes me feel better. bebe will now ALL about your grandma and you'll love telling him (hehe) stories about her. :)
