Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ticker Change Saturday!

Disclaimer: I get all of my information from this website. I love reading it! I get the fruit analogies from The Bump.

Today I hit the 7 week mark. I'm relieved, but still feel as if I'm walking on eggshells all at the same time. Just two and a half more weeks until our first ultrasound. I'm scared and excited all at the same time!

This week has been the roughest one for me yet! While I have yet to actually get sick, I stay nauseated most of the day. I can't eat without gagging and just the idea of certain foods makes me cringe. If I could just get rid of this cold I have, I think I would feel tons better. My list from the doctor says I can take Tylenol Cold, but at this point I just don't want to. I know, I know..."then don't complain." It still sucks though!

Now on to my sweet, sweet bebe! This week bebe grows to the size of a blueberry (1/3 to 1/4 inches long) and weighs the same as an eye lash. Isn't that crazy?? It's teeny tiny brain cells are growing 100 per minute and its little skull is see through! The face becomes more defined this week, as the hole for the mouth, tongue, nostril and ear indentions become more visible. Even though it doesn't have any irises yet, bebe's eyes are wide open now! The arm and leg buds are growing and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week and the umbilical cord is now showing.

Here's what bebe looks like this week:

Here's a picture of a blueberry:

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1 comment:

  1. grow bebe grow!!
    i hope the sickness starts wearing off for you! i know it's HORRIBLE to feel sick all day, i was the same way! hopefully though when your 2nd trimester starts, you'll be feeling better! rub your belly and tell bebe auntie erica looooves him/her!
