Friday, November 5, 2010

My 25th Year of Life

This Sunday will be my 26th birthday. I've never been one of those girls who get upset that she's getting older. I actually enjoy it. I still get comments about how I look like I'm 19, so I love busting out my age and saying "HA!". I know some day I will be grateful I do not look my age, but until then, I hate it.

So, let's see...what major events happened in my 25th year? These are in chronological order, btw.

* I found my two oldest sisters. One of my lifelong dreams happened and we haven't looked back since. We still haven't met, but we talk as much as we can. The time difference really gets in the way of that!

* I got married. I married a wonderful man, who loves me and is so sweet to me, no matter how hateful I am to him.

* I started grad school. What a ride this has been! There are days I wonder what in the world I was thinking and I really hope that goes away soon!

* And the biggest thing to happen to me?? I found out I'm pregnant with my first baby!! Last Thursday night, I was home alone and bored. I decided to take a HPT, just knowing it was going to be negative. Can you imagine my excitement when two lines popped up?? I couldn't believe it! I took three that night and three the next day. I've taken a grand total of seven HPTs! I had my first visit w/ the doctor to confirm thru bloodwork and it was positive, as well. Our first ultrasound is December 8th and I cannot wait! Our due date is July 9th.

And so, it's been a secret for the last six months we were TTC and to contain that secret, I became a member of The Bump. Their message board, Trying To Get Pregnant, was a life saver. I met so many amazingly wonderful ladies through that board and I just know that I will always be in contact with them somehow! I follow some of their blogs on here, and if you ever want some new reads, definitely check them out. Like I said, they're amazing ladies and they definitely made the last six months less stressful!

I'M GOING TO BE A MOMMY! Words cannot express how happy I am, but at the same time I'm nervous and scared. I'm in charge of another life. And although I've been told I'll be amazing mom, what if I screw this child up severely?? Thankfully for me AND the bebe, I have my wonderful husband to prevent this from happening.

So, prepare yourselves...there will be all kinds of baby talk on here! :)

Can't wait to see what my 26th year holds in store for me!


  1. I'm sooo happy you got your BFP! I can't wait to read all about your pregnancy adventures. Congrats! :)

  2. Happy Birthday and congratulations x

  3. Yay!!!! You are going to be a great mommy! The things you are thinking now are very normal!! I can't wait to hear more!
