Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Results of my first ultrasound! :)

This morning was our first ultrasound and to say that I was nervous going in there is a huge understatement. I've just read too many stories of women going in and receiving bad news at their ultrasound. While taking the measurements, the u/s tech was really quiet but I was so nervous I was talking a mile a minute, so I figured she just couldn't get a word in edgewise!

She finished her measurements and turned the screen toward us. I instantly thought something looked "different" but I pushed it aside....until the u/s tech said the words "Well, there are two babies!" I'm ashamed to say that that the first words out of my mouth were "Holy Sh**!" Kevin was shocked, but gained enough composure to ask if the heart rates were strong and if all the limbs were there. I'm happy to say everything looked great! Both heart rates were 182bpm and both are measuring at 9w3d. My doctor says that both of these are rare for twins! They're sharing the same gestational sac, but are in different amnio sacs. It looks like our babies are identical twins! :)

Now, I'm going to be a proud mommy and show my bebes off!

So precious!

Both of them were standing on their heads at one point! Baby B even waved! :)

I'm so very in love already!


  1. Oh wow!!! Congrats! :) How exciting!

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who said "Holy Sh!t", lol. Congrats again, lady!

  3. That is so exciting! Double the fun :) Congrats!

  4. eeeekkkkk!! honorary auntie erica is ECSTATIC!

  5. You know I am beyond thrilled for you! Congratulations, mama!

  6. I still can't believe it, lol!

  7. Holy crap, Mrs. B!! I just saw your update on the grad check-in--I'm so happy for you!
