Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

Good morning ladies!

I'm in a pretty good mood for it to be so early! I slept great last night, so I'm happy about that. Plus, I bought some new body wash and lotion that smells like vanilla, honey and oatmeal. My skin is so soft and I catch a whiff of my lotion every time I move my arms. Nothing like a little aroma therapy! :)

I've been itching for a new pair of high heels lately. Let me begin by saying, I am not the type of girl to wear heels at all. My whole life I've been a good four or five inches taller than all of my friends, so I never wanted to seem like an Amazon next to them. I can hardly walk in them now! But, for some reason, I've been dying for a good, basic pair. Target has some really cute ones that I'd love to have, but I just can't bring myself to buy them. Maybe once it gets colder and I can't wear my flip flops anymore I will take the plunge. If you're looking for some new heels, head on over to BonBon Rose Girls. They've been posting some pics of heels the past week or so. There are some really cute pairs!

Well, that's all for today! Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!


  1. Thanks for the shout out doll! I hope you get yourself some new foot candy!

  2. I just love catching the sweet scent of what lotion/body wash I'm wearing and that lotion sounds fantastic! Glad you're back in the blogging world!
