Monday, August 9, 2010

Hello, Monday!

Good morning y'all! How was your weekend?

My weekend didn't consist of much. Saturday the hubby and I went out and about to run some errands and then later that night I went home to my parents' house for a bit. Mom, Whit, Emma and I just had the best time. Mom doesn't like to get out much, but she actually went out with us that night. We went by to see Pops and ran around Wal-Mart for a bit. It was 11:00 when we got home that night, but Whit and I were craving taco salads. So, what does my mom do? She makes us taco salads at 11:00. Whit and I were shocked, but we loved it! It was one of the best nights I've had in such a long time. I've decided that no matter how old I get, I will always love being babied by mom. A co-worker and I were talking about this the other day. She's exactly five years older than I am (go Birthday Twins!) and she got sick at work. So, her mom came to get her. We laughed about it because both of us still want our moms when we get sick. I also got some quality time in with Emma, who is growing so fast. Friday is her first birthday and I just can't believe it. Whit is having her a party at a local park and I'm excited to see how she does with her birthday cake! I will definitely update about that this weekend.

I've become obsessed with reading Emily Giffin books. I'm currently on her fourth one, Love The One You're With, and I love it. Her first two books, Something Borrowed and Something Blue were really good, as well! I skipped the third, Baby Proof, but I plan on going back to it this week. Are you guys reading anything good? Any suggestions for me once I finish Emily Giffin? I highly recommend reading her books, if you're looking for something to read!

Well, that's all for now! I hope you ladies have an awesome Monday!


  1. I also love Emily Giffin books and JUST bought Baby Proof. I am only a few chapters into it but it seems good so far! :o)

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