Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tired Tuesday...

Coffee is definitely my friend this morning. I had a hard time waking up this morning, despite one of the best night's sleep I've had in awhile. Weird how that works out, isn't it?

Last night, I babysat one of my best friends' daughter. We had the best time! We danced, we jumped on the couch (more like she jumped while I held her hands), we took a walk, we colored, we played outside and then we watched The Little Mermaid. I only put it on as background noise while she and I played around in the living room, but she loved it! So, we plopped ourselves down on the couch and watched it. It made me so excited for when it's my turn to have my own child and I can spend evenings like that with it. Hopefully, by then, I'll have more things to keep it entertained than poker chips! haha!

It's miserably hot again today and is supposed to be the same tomorrow. Shew, Fall where are you?? Sunday night Kevin and I watched the NFL game that came on and it made me even more excited for Fall. I love "football weather" and I can't wait to start watching Friday night football games! I don't care how old I am or even if it's my old high school, I will always love watching Friday night football.

What about you guys? What's your favorite part of Fall?

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