Sunday, August 15, 2010

If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. - E.R

Happy Sunday, lovlies! I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. It seems they go way too fast these days!

Friday was a big day for me. First, and most importantly, it was little Miss Emma Jade's first birthday! I can't believe my little niece is a year old. It just seems like yesterday my sister was giving us the good news! I had some things I needed to get done, so it seemed fitting to take the whole day off. After I finished my errands, I headed back to my hometown to spend the day with her. She slept the whole day away. It's hard being the birthday girl! Her party went great! It made me happy to see that so many people love her!

Now, on to some big, exciting news! Friday morning I met with one of my professors from my Master's program. There is a Women's Studies course that I'm very interested in taking, but it doesn't really help me out in the long run. So, the program director mentioned me taking an Independent Study course on the FDR years. Those of you who know me, should know how excited this made me. WWII is one of my favorite eras in History and FDR is a very interesting person to study! So, I met with the professor and he decided to make my topic Eleanor Roosevelt. At first, I felt a flicker of disappointment. I love ER, and I love all that she stood for, but I wanted to study FDR. However, the more we talked, the more excited I became. Unfortunately, with that excitement came a huge case of anxiety. I've never taken an independent study course and I'm not really sure how well I'll do with the lack of a set schedule. He told me that I'm to make my own Bibliography for the course and I just about lost it. I know this is something I shouldn't be nervous over, but OMG, really? It isn't that I can't find my own books, but it's the fear that my books won't be good enough...that my professor will think I'm not cut out for this...that I'm just going fail at this completely. And to add to my anxiety? He also informed me that if my paper is good enough (which he expects it to be, his words), that I will present it at the Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference this Spring. He also wants me to come present the paper to the regular class one day this Fall. No pressure, right?? As someone who longs to be a teacher, I should be able to present something like this with no problems. However, my peers make me so nervous. I can speak in front of students in high school with no problem. I fear I will pronounce something wrong, get my facts mixed up and, once again, be looked at as someone who cannot do this. It's enough to make me want to back out of this before I even get started.

I'm sure as the semester goes on, you guys will hear me complain about this, but I also hope to share my findings with you. I hope it doesn't bore you! Now, I will leave you with two pictures of Emma. One from the day after she was born and one from her One Year Pictures that an awesome local photographer took. Enjoy!

One day old, but I already loved her so much!

I may be a bit biased, but is she not the most precious thing you've ever seen?

Never too young for pearls!


  1. I'm glad Emma's birthday went well- hate that I couldn't be there though! She is so precious!

  2. What a doll baby! And don't you stress lady. I'm sure you're gonna do great!

  3. Hi!

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