Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back To School!

So, last night was my first class. I'm not going to lie. I'm completely overwhelmed and thought to myself "what the hell am I doing here??" several times! It started before class even began. Some girl, who I can tell I will not like, was talking about History and you can tell she just thinks she's suuuuuper intelligent. Throughout the whole class she had this smirk on her face that made me want to smack her! However, I did make a new friend and I'm really happy about that! She and I both were feeling the same way after class, so I have a feeling we're going to bond throughout the semester!

This class is not going to help my anxiety, which is getting progressively worse as the days go by, at all. At one point last night I felt panicked because we were going to have to tell a little about ourselves and even my professor saw it on my face. Aaaand he called me out on it. I could just feel my face getting red. I'm hoping that since it's only one day a week, I can get by with only a few panic attacks. We shall see though. We already have two assignments due by next week and one of them is an essay on a book about footnotes. Footnotes? Seriously?? I know, I know. This is all a part of becoming a Historian, but that doesn't mean it's always going to be fun and interesting! haha!

In other news, the hubs and I are 90% debt free!! I can't tell you what a relief this is. The day we paid off several of our bills, I cried I was so happy. It just felt like the world was lifted right off my shoulders. Things are lining up for us quite nicely and I couldn't be happier!

It's finally starting to cool off in the evenings here and Fall is definitely in the air! I think this also has a lot to do with my depression slowly, but surely, going away! You know how Fall/Winter depresses some people? It has the opposite effect on me. I don't wear sundresses or shorts, so I just don't get excited like everyone else does. Now Fall/Winter? I get excited! The area I live in is absolutely gorgeous this time of year and it's during this time, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else! I love the leaves, the pumpkins, Halloween, sweaters, coats and football! It all makes me very happy!

What about you guys? What's your favorite part of Fall?


  1. My favorite part of fall is the festivals and shopping at all the little country shops. And I love to wear blue jeans and sweaters/sweat shirts and be comfortable I hate to be hot!

  2. I think it always seems like school is overwhelming that first day back. I know you will do great and just keep your eye on the prize!! :-) You are making a huge accomplishment by just going back to grad school! I am happy to hear you are almost debt free! We are still working on that! haha...
    I am so excited for Fall too! Summer used to be my favorite season and that changed last year to Fall! I can't wait for changing leaves, hoodies and hot chocolate!

  3. Lauren, I love those little shops, too!

    Jess, thanks! I'm really hoping we can start saving for a house now. I'm so tired of our little apartment! haha!
