Thursday, September 2, 2010

::Thankful Thursday::

Today I'm participating in Thankful Thursday. So often, I focus on the bad things in my life and not on the good. I think I'd be a lot happier if I could switch this somehow!

Today, I'm thankful that I have the chance to go back to school for my M.A. So many people aren't in a position to pursue their dreams and I'm having the chance to go for mine. It makes me want to work that much harder so that I can be able to help my own (someday) children pursure theirs!

What are you ladies thankful for?


  1. Thats exactly what I was telling Jay lastnight! I want to make really good grades, because I get the privilege of going to school, and there are so many people that would love to be in our position!

    Even my car- I complain about it, but the other day, I got to thinkin about how some villages, somewhere out there (I've seen it on tv or something, lol), only have one vehicle for the whole village to share!

  2. That's a good thing to be thankful for!

    I'm thankful for my health, and my family's health! I think we often forget that it's a blessing to be able to get out of bed and go about our days. Some people can't walk, drive, cook, clean, even take care of their children, because of an illness or disability. My health and family's health is something I'll never take for granted!

  3. I tagged you on my blog!
