Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hump Day!

Good morning, lovlies! I hope you're all doing well. It's a beautiful morning here and Fall is definitely in the air! Yay!

Last night was my third class, and so far, my favorite. We met in the university's archives and got to look through boxes of old letters, maps, and pictures. My box was Box #1 of a ten box collection about a family that lived in Northeast Tennessee. The collection dated from 1856 to 1941, but my box was from 1856 to 1881. I have to say, at first I was disappointed in my box because it had three ledger books from the doctor's practice (some of his patients' medical bills were $2.50! I loved it!), but the day books that actually had what was wrong with them were in another box. My box also had several old letters that took me forever to read through. At first I could only focus on how it was making my head hurt, but once I actually could figure out what they were saying I took on a whole new appreciation for it! I mean, I was holding books and letters that are well over 100 years old! I was so afraid I was going to rip them or ruin them in some way. I am really interested in what the letters were about and plan on doing further research. I'm really excited! My friend Eliza's box was from the Revoulationary War and was very interesting, as well! Hers contained love letters and letters telling about the battles that the man witnessed. It even contained the old envelopes the letters came in. We were like two little kids comparing our letters! haha!

I'm sorry if this bored you, but I wanted to share my excitement! haha! I hope you all have a great Wednesday!


  1. Not boring at all - that sounds very cool! Old photos seriously creep me out, but I find letters and documents like those really interesting.

  2. Oh my goodness, this sounds like a dream come true for me! Maybe one day, I can take your seat in your class- I don't think they'd notice, do you? hahaha, ok, maybe they would...
    But really though, what an AMAZING experience!
