Monday, September 13, 2010

Tag, you're it!

Ashley over at Polish and Pearls, who is one of my best friends in real life, tagged me in this game! She's amazing and you guys need to read her blog! Aaaaand go.

Here's what you do- answer the eight questions that the person who tagged you made up, then make up your own NEW eight questions to tag others to answer. Whoever I tag will answer the eight questions I make up for them, then they create a new set of eight questions to tag a few others with, and so on!

1. What scent/smell brings back the strongest memories for you?
As cliche as this sounds, freshly cut grass. It makes me think of my childhood running around my mamaw's yard with my cousin and sister while our uncle mowed. It also makes me think of my older cousin, Kevin, riding us around on the riding lawn mower and my mamaw jumping on to him! haha!

2. What's your favorite city and why?
I've never really been to a big city, aside from driving through Atlanta once. The only city I've been to is Knoxville, haha! I love it there, mainly because of UT football. I've only been there in the Fall and it's beautiful!

3. When your hair turns gray (if it hasn't already, lol), will you choose to color it, or go with the gray?
I like to tell myself that I'll leave it gray. It's part of aging and that isn't something I'm ashamed of! Now, when I actually start turning gray, we'll go from there!

4. If you could eat one food item, and drink one beverage, for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Definitely Almond Joy and Mounds candy bars! I love those things.

5. What is your absolute biggest pet peeve?
When someone has to constantly "one up" those around them or brag about themselves. It drives me nuts.

6. What do you consider your biggest flaw?
I have major anxiety and it usually causes me to overreact to everything in a very dramatic way. It's something I'm trying to work on, but it hasn't been going too well!

7. What is the biggest life lesson that you have learned through experience?
I've always been one to hold grudges and not forgive people. When the hubs and I were dating the first time, he cheated on me. I always said that I would never be one of those girls who stuck around when a man cheated on her, but when I was faced with that dilemma, I couldn't walk away. I'm not going to lie, it was very hard and it tooks us months to get passed it. He was going through a really rough time at that point in his life and wasn't himself. That sounds like an excuse, but it isn't. That isn't him and I knew it. I'm glad I got passed it because I would be missing out on life with him! Whew!

8. When you put a new roll of toilet paper out, do you let the loose end hang from the top of the roll, or out from the bottom?
Definitely from the bottom. I've seen a tv commerical lately that says people voted for the top, but I don't care.

Here's my questions:

1. What's the one place you want to visit before you die?

2. What's your dream job?

3. Are you doing it?

4. Who is one person you look up to?

5. What's your favorite holiday and why?

6. If you could go back in time, what era would go to?

7. If you could have dinner with any two people, dead or alive, who would they be?

8. Annnnnd what's your favorite color? :)

Now, I tag Ashley, Amy, Jess and Kelli!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I was totally interested in your gray hair portion, because I was just trying to decide the other day what I would do with know, better to have a plan, right!?
