Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Has it really been two months since I've posted anything at all? Yep, I guess it has. I think I burnt myself out on blogging, as well as Twitter. I've been itching to write for the last few days, but I really have nothing to blog about.

Life is still the same as it was two months ago. Summer has flown by and I, for one, am very happy about that. I've always loved Fall/Winter and counted down the months until my two favorite seasons arrived, but this year? I'm ready for them to be here in a way I never have been before! It's been unbearably hot here and I can't stand it. We're under a heat advisory for the next few days with record breaking temps. Whew! I deal better in cooler weather while wearing peacoats and scarves.

Let's see, what else? Emma Jade will be one year old next week. I can't believe it has been a year since that precious baby came into our lives. She is growing and learning so quickly. She can say a few words (including TeeTee, which made me very proud!) and is crawling everywhere. She dances to any type of music she hears, including ringtones. She had her very first sleepover with TeeTee this past weekend and she did great!

We cancelled our trip to NYC to meet our sister. To say I was heartbroken over it would be an understatement. My oldest sister says it's an even better excuse to come out to California this Fall. I'm definitely crossing my fingers for that.

No teaching job for me this year. I thought I had a chance of getting one, but, according to a little birdy, they hired a friend of a school board member. Oh, well. I've told myself it's okay. I'm giving it one more year and, if by next Fall I still haven't gotten a teaching job, I will just move on. I will find something else. Easier said than done though, right?

OH! My Master's program begins in three weeks! Ah! I'm a bundle of emotions when it comes to this particular topic. I'm nervous, terrified, and excited all at once. I've been e-mailing my professors all week and it is calming the nerves just a tad. I'm really excited about shopping for school supplies though. I'm 25 years old and the thought of shoppingn for school supplies still makes me happy! There are just some things I guess you never grow out of.

How are you ladies? I have been keeping up with your blogs throughout the summer, whether I've commented or not. Forgive me?? :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for school supply shopping, I love it!!!
