Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm exhausted.

I am just flat out exhausted in every aspect of my life. I'm emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. I really believe there isn't much more I can take. I'm struggling with feelings of being unworthy and just plain not good enough. It sucks. Big time.

I should be thankful I have a job in such a bad economy. I should be glad its a job that is looked at as "respectable". I should be extremely grateful that I have insurance provided for me by my job. And that's why I feel so guilty for saying I absolutely hate my job. I'm tired of having to deal with one person telling me one thing and two days later being told it was done wrong by another person. One day last week, I had to stop working on a customer's transaction because I was so stressed with everything that I broke down bawling. Right in front of this man! I was mortified! Of course, he was extremely sweet about it but I felt really unprofessional! I know every job you have will have its problems, but if I was teaching, if I was doing something I really loved, I wouldn't mind those problems as badly. Like I said, this is a respectable job, but this isn't for me. This isn't what I want for me. I'm on salary, but when it is broken down, I'm barely making $8 an hour. I feel like such a failure for being here and not teaching. I refuse to live the rest of my life this way. I know that there lots of people out there struggling and that things could be a lot worse. I know that, so please don't leave me comments telling me that. One time, a few years ago, I said I wanted a good job to where I didn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. One of my coworkers at the time told me that such a thing didn't exist, that everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. Um, I'm calling BS on that one. I see people around me all the time that aren't living paycheck to paycheck, that can buy a new vehicle, that can go shopping without feeling guilty over it and those who can just up and take a vacation like nothing. I want that, not only for myself but for when I have children. I don't want my children to feel guilty for asking to go to the movies. I want to be able to take them on fun vacations. I know I'll have to work hard for it. I don't want it handed to me. I know that a lot of these people who are comfortable now struggled in the beginning, but I just keep wondering to myself when is it going to be my turn to be "comfortable"?

I'm meeting the Graduate Coordinator today after work to discuss my schedule for this Fall. I'm not dreading it, but I'm not exactly looking forward to it. I've wanted this for as long as I can remember. But, looking at my current situation, I can't help but think is this going to be worth it? Is this going to be worth going into more debt for something that, from the way things are looking right now, I'll never use? Why spend countless hours of stressing over my thesis or reading 100 pages before class the next day? Then I tell myself. I want this. This is something I've wanted and whether I ever use it, I'll be proud to say I have it!

I know I said no more "Debbie Downer" posts, but sometimes you just gotta vent a little! I hope you guys are doing a heck of a lot better than me!


  1. You have to vent sometimes- it's healthy! And I have that same feeling, I've worked so hard to become the person I am, when is it gonna be my turn? All we can do is keep pushing on, and hopefully we'll still be humble enough to notice when we're able to buy ourselves something unnecessary and not think twice about it.

    You deserve it, just stay strong!

  2. I'm sorry you feel this way. :( I feel extremely lucky to have my job and always feel guilty for complaining about it. I think everyone lives paycheck to paycheck starting out. I'm just not sure when the "starting out" phase is suppose to end. haha.

  3. Thanks girls! Things will turn around for us sooner or later, right?

    And Amy, I agree! This whole starting out thing is for the birds! haha!

  4. I think this is all part of being a woman Tiff...sorry! I'm almost 30 and it may seem to you like I had it all together...but I still find myself all over the place. Wondering if people are disappointed in me for not using my education..wondering if I'm doing a good job as a mom and wife...
    It is very important to love what you do...you probably wouldn't mind living paycheck to paycheck (as much) if you loved your job. I say go for what you love!

  5. GOod for you...if you settle where you are are at, you'll never reach your dreams. Yes, it may take longer than we'd like. Me? I wanted a teaching job for 2 years, and finally got one. Now? 3 YEARS in and I may lose it to budget cuts. Suck.
    Now, as far as being happy to have a job? yes, however, no one person can tell you that being unhappy there makes you ungrateful. That is not their place. Yes, we are blessed to have jobs and incomes, but we are also humans who have dreams and aspirations. Sometimes we need to feel we are heading towards those goals.
    Paycheck to paycheck? Check. Hubs and i did it for 8 years. We both got good jobs (fine his is great and I am a teacher) and now we don't. Yep, it can be done.
    Vent away dear, we all get to *um, you know, like my last post!?*
