Monday, February 8, 2010

Better Luck Next Year, Boys

The hubby and I are Colts fans. Well, the hubby is a Colts fan, while I personally love the Steelers. However, I was pulling for the Colts last night. I know, I know. Its the first time the Saints have been in the Super Bowl and they did go through Hurricane Katrina, but I just couldn't pull for them. So, when they won last night, to say the hubby and I were disappointed was an understatement.

That is, until I saw this:

I saw this on The Today Show this morning and I couldn't help but tear up. It was such a sweet moment between Drew Brees and his little boy! It changed my whole attitude toward the outcome and I was actually happy the Saints won.

I still love my Steelers though!


  1. Nominated you for an award on my blog!!!

  2. Yes, that was absolutely precious...I was kinda for the Saints, even though I didn't care too much! But yeah, that made me cry!
