Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Bucket List #3

One of my favorite classes I took in college was History of Human Rights in Asia. The class was taught by a woman named Dr. Nath, who was from India. She, without a doubt, is one of the most fascinating people I have ever met in my life. While in India, she went through an arranged marriage. She said she was so upset and cried all the way to his home during the procession. Together they had a son, but at some point she left him. In India, this is unheard of. She said her grandmother had a hard time accepting her back into her father's home, but her father took her side and welcomed her back! Now, she lives here in the US with her son. She only taught at my college for year before moving to Texas. Me and my friend, CJ, grew extremely attached to her and both of us still talk to her. While in her class, CJ and I decided that one day we were going to take a trip to India!

I've been obsessed with India for as long as I can remember. From the first time I watched The Jungle Book, I was hooked. Its such a fascinating place. And all those people! I couldn't imagine living in such a crowded place. I had another Indian professor, Dr. Kahn, in college. He told us that he grew up three blocks from where his wife lived, but her met her in Wyoming! Wyoming, of all places! haha! I love the saris that the women wear. They're so beautiful! Dr. Nath would sometimes wear the saris and I thought she was so pretty in them!

So, the third destination on my Bucket List is definitely India! :)

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