Friday, February 19, 2010

TGIF! :)

Helloooo, Friday! This really hasn't been a long week, considering we were off on Monday. But, I've been so tired. Kevin's been off the past two days and he always looks so comfy and warm when I have to get up before daylight to get ready. That's okay. I'll get "revenge" when he has to work next weekend and I'm off! haha!

I just realized that I haven't once spoken about married life. We've been married for almost three months now. People are always asking how married life is and honestly? It isn't much different than before. We already lived together and shared the bills and our bank account. We were functioning as a married couple, we just didn't have the certificate to make it official. We have our disagreements like all couples, but I'm happy being his wife! I think sometimes about when we're gonna have kids and how I'll tell them that the first winter their daddy and I were married, was the worst in 10-15 years and how we had to "rough it" that one weekend the blizzard came. haha.

Oh, update on my inner dork! I really like the Percy Jackson book! It talks about all the Greek gods, their backgrounds and stories that involve them. Its sort of like a mini-history lesson in Greek mythology! Its no Harry Potter, but I love it. I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I'm trying to talk Kevin into going to see the movie with me. I know several adults who have seen it without children and they had nothing but good things to say about it. If we go see it, I'll let you guys know how it was!

In other entertainment news, the trailer for Eclipse will be shown with RPat's new movie "Remember Me" on March 12. I'm not really interested in seeing that movie, so I'm not going to waste my time going to see it just for the trailer. A friend told me this morning that the trailer will be available on the 'net the day after. I can definitely wait until then. I've also heard that Breaking Dawn will be split into at least two different movies (just like Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows) and that it could possibly be in 3D. I really hope they split it up. The book is just too long for them to make into one movie. I cannot wait until June 30th!

The snow has finally stopped and, according to the weather forecast, we aren't getting anymore in the next ten days! We may get some rain, but no snow! Finally! Spring is definitely right around the corner.

I hope everyone has a fun weekend! :)

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