Monday, February 1, 2010


I've realized that a lot of my posts have been quite depressing lately and, for that, I apologize. I know its my blog and I can write what I want, but I don't want to lose what little bit of readers I do have b/c I'm complaining too much.

Saturday there was a trend going around on Facebook. Everyone was putting on their status a memory game. Everyone was to leave a memory of them and that person, good or bad. And it was so fun reading what everyone had to say! Me and my high school buddies had a lot of fun growing up together, despite all the times we cried "I'm not your friend anymore!". One of my favorite teachers from high school happens to be on my Facebook and her memory made me laugh out loud. Sadly, the memory she chose to put down was me skipping her class to go on a "picnic". It was Daniel's, my best guy friend at the time, birthday. So, me, his best friend, Michael and my best girlfriend, Denise, decided to check out of school and take Daniel to lunch. We all had permission, but we had to be back by third period English. Well, once we got the taste of freedom, we decided to just take the rest of the day off. We had a blast! I still have pictures from that day. And the next day when we got back to school? We'd been snitched on and all four of us were in trouble! haha! The only time I ever skipped school, aside from the two Senior Skip Days we had, and I was in trouble. I just don't get how people get away with that on a regular basis! She did go on to say that she can remember my laugh and how much she liked it. She said that I was always happy and that I seemed to spread that happiness to everyone around me. That made me sad and it got me thinking. What happened to that girl? I used to be so happy and was always ready to go out and have a fun time. I know a lot of it has to do w/ growing up and being in the real world now. I actually have important things to worry about, instead of what half time cheer we're doing at the basketball game or what I'm going to wear to the dance. All through high school, I couldn't wait to grow up. I couldn't wait to get to college. Once I hit college, I kept thinking "man, high school was easy!" and I couldn't wait to get out. And now that I'm out? I keep thinking "man, college was a lot less stressful than this!". In college, I couldn't wait to get married. Now that I'm married? I can't wait to have kids. Its ridiculous really. I've wished my young life away. I know it natural to plan for the next step in your life, but why can't I enjoy the stage I'm at right now? I need to stop worrying my life away. I need to enjoy it while I can. I want to get back to that person that my teacher was talking about.

So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to work on getting back to that happy, carefree person. Life is hard enough as it is without being miserable on my own all the time. So what if my life hasn't turned how I planned? It rarely does for anyone, although there are a lucky few out there! I'm married to a wonderful person, we have a roof over our heads, stable jobs and food to eat. I'm a lot better off than a lot people. I need to remind myself that every chance I get!

Now, change of subject! :) We got the snow they were calling for, but luckily, it wasn't as damaging as the last one! We didn't lose power and neither did anyone in our family. It was really nice. I went home Friday evening and I didn't come back out until this morning. Kevin commented last night about how this has been the most relaxing weekend we've had in a really long time. I agree. I think it was the first weekend we've had since the beginning of October with absolutely nothing to do. I think I could get used to weekends like that, but not too many of them! haha!

I hope everyone had a safe weekend and have a happy Monday! :)


  1. Who would want their life to go exactly as they planned or hoped for? That'd be so boring!

    Just take each moment, each day for what it's worth and don't sweat the small stuff. I think as long as you end your day on a happy note, everything else falls behind. Just try to do one positive, uplifting thing that makes you smile before you go to sleep and I guarantee the mornings will start off better every day!

  2. Good for you, realizing a bad spot and working out of it! We all do it, but it isn't fun to realize sometimes! Good luck, and I look forward to reading happy posts!!

  3. Losing my cousin when she was 16 and my mom when she was 50 really hit home with me. I really, truly do try to cherish each moment and appreciate life. It really is too short.
