Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My inner dork.

Its no secret to anyone around me, I love all things Harry Potter. I remember when it first came out, I was in 8th or 9th grade and churches everywhere in our area were throwing huge fits about it. At the time, I was in church, so I stayed away. But, for some reason, I was always still interested in them. When the third movie came out in theaters, my friend Brittany and I went to watch it. I was hooked. So, I started reading the series. That's all it took. I was obsessed. When they announced the release date for The Deathly Hallows, it was an eight month wait. I preordered my book that night and it was in my mailbox the day it was released! I was pretty pumped. When I finished, I kinda felt lost. haha! I didn't know what to read next. I found a few books, but I was never really thrilled with anything until Twilight! Once again, I love all things Twilight!

I can remember buying the HP books from Amazon and seeing the "You Might Also Like This" section and it always had the Twilight Saga or this book called Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief. When I saw they were coming out with the movie, I was rather curious. I went back and forth with buying it. It was in the same age range as the HP books and all the reviews from the 18-24 age group said that it could actually rival HP. So, I caved in the other night and bought it. I'm only in the third chapter, but so far I really like it. Its no Harry Potter, but that's okay. Its all about the mythical Greek gods and goddesses. Being the History dork I am, I'm really excited about that part. When I finish, I'll let you guys know what my final opinion is! :)

Aside from that, nothing much is going on with me. Work, deal with the snow, clean house, sleep. That's it! I get so excited when it starts snowing, even after seeing it continuously for the last two months, but I'm ready for Spring! Tank top and flip flops, here I come! :)


  1. We saw the movie - it was really good!!!

  2. COol! I love a good kids booK! Have you read The Mysterious Benedict Society? I loved that one as well.

  3. Mary Ruth, I can't wait to see it!

    Sara, I haven't heard of it, but I will definitely check it out! I'm about half way thru The Lightning Thief...its really good!
