Monday, February 8, 2010

Go Me!

I got my first award, thanks to Ashley!

Here's the instructions:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award
2. Paste the award on your blog
3. Link the person who nominated you for the award
4. Tell 7 interesting things about yourself
5. Nominate 7 bloggers or less
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated.

Thanks, Ashley

Interesting things, huh? Here goes nothing!

1) Growing up, just like Ashley, I wanted to be an archaeologist! And just like her, I'd take my mom's old make-up brushes outside to dust off the rocks. I was going to be the female version of Indiana Jones!

2) My biggest fear in life is being trapped underwater in a car, plane or caught in weeds. It makes me feel sick just thinking about it!

3) The hubby and I met my freshman year of college, but had actually been around one another at football and basketball games when our schools played one another. I still try to think back to see if I can remember him or find him in the background of pictures!

4) I'm the only blonde in my entire family. On my dad's side everyone has dark skin and dark hair. On my mom's side, everyone has brown hair and fair skin. I'm told I look exactly like my mom, but I do favor a lot of my cousins on my dad's side of the family. As I've gotten older, my hair has gotten darker though.

5) My lifelong dream is to travel the world. When I was single, I said I'd travel the world until my doctor said I was too old to fly and then I'd settle down as the resident cat lady.

6) Funny enough, I'm terrified of cats!! I was babysitting once and was attacked by one. He jumped out of a bush out of nowhere and jumped on me. He didn't hurt me, but he scarred me for life!

7) I'm terrified of planes. Not of them, but the idea of them crashing to the ground as a big ball of fire with me in it, doesn't really appeal to me. Or crashing into the ocean! However, this is a fear I need to conquer, seeing as how I'm going to travel the globe one day!

Now, I nominate:

1) You, Me and Baby Makes 3! - Erica
2) Mrs. Nathan Cobb - Amy Jo
3) Little Moos and Mommy, Too! - Christina, my older sister! :)
4) Many Blessings - Kelli
5) Domestically Challenged - Sara
6) Momma Ruth Says - Mary Ruth
7) Pursuit of Favorable Brainworks - Melissa


  1. Congrats! I am not afraid of planes, but that'll give me something to think about on my flight Thursday.

  2. oh, and THANK YOU!!! I pushed comment too soon. I need a vacay, huh?!

  3. Oh, gosh! Don't think about my opinion while on there, that'll freak you out! haha!

    And you're welcome! Have fun on your vacation! I can't wait to read about it!
