Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

For those of you who were following my Weight Loss blog know that Wednesdays are my day to weigh-in. Well, I weighed this morning and I'm up not even half a pound.While that isn't a bad thing, it certainly isn't a good thing. I'm ready to start losing again! I've decided to set myself a week to week goal. I'm going to lose three pounds a week. I've already lost 15 pounds out of my goal of 40. That's 25 to go and if I do three pounds a week, I should reach my goal within the next two months. Let's hope it goes well! :)

As I've said before, I'm not the most religious person out there. I wasn't raised in church, but I did attend for several years while in high school. Sometimes I find it hard to just turn it all over to God and let His will be done. It wasn't ingrained in me to do so. I know I should, but it's just hard to let control go. I was thinking of my current job/financial situation the other day and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm where God wants me right now. There's always a plan and it is always what He has planned for me, not what I have planned for me. Now, this doesn't mean I'm going to stop working toward my goal of becoming a teacher and being financially secure, but I'm going about it with a different view now. When something doesn't work out, I'm not gonna go all "woe is me" anymore. I'm going to shrug it off and just keep trying!

The ladies over a BonBon Rose Girls just wrapped up their latest give away. It's a $25 gift certificate from an online store called Ruche. I was browsing the site and found the prettiest scarf! I've been in the market for a scart lately, but I can't ever find one I really like.

You ladies definitely need to head over that way and check out that site. You'll find some really pretty stuff! :)

It's rainy here in Virginia today...the perfect napping weather. Hope you guys are having a great day! :)

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