Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That!

I really don't have anything specific to update about, I just wanted to update.

First, I was out of creamer for my coffee at work, so I went to get some yesterday. I decided to get the chocolate flavored one. I mean, how could you go wrong? Coffee AND chocolate? I tried it this morning and I'm hooked. It's 60 calories for four tablespoons, but I only used a little more than one. I couldn't imagine using four tablespoons of regular creamer, let alone chocolate!

Second, more baby talk! :) One of my nearest and dearest friends and his wife are expecting their first child together! I'm so happy for CJ and Kristy! They were married a few weeks before we were, so this was quite a shock to me! Kristy has an 8-year old daughter, so I know she's a great mom! I just know CJ will be a great father. He's one of the nicest, funniest, just all around great people I know. This child is definitely blessed!

And as far as baby talk goes, concerning me? I started taking a prenatal vitamin! :) My doctor told me in October that I should start taking them, so I've had them for a few months. I was afraid to take them. I hate feeling sick, so I kept putting it off. So far, so good. No sickness! :) Friday was a long day here at work, so I browsed baby sites all day long. I picked out furniture and bedding! Haha! All I need is the baby now! I can't wait!

Third, Little Miss Emma Jade is 8 months old today! She's growing so fast! Friday she said her first word: "da da". Now that she's got that out of the way, I'm gonna start teaching her "TeeTee". haha! Whit said she also said "uh oh" when she dropped her toy. She hasn't started crawling or anything yet. She hates to lay on her stomach, so that's hindering her when it comes to crawling. Maybe she'll be one of those babies that skips crawling and goes straight to walking!

Finally, I'm definitely feeling a lot better about the whole not having a teaching job thing. I was feeling sorry for myself and it was just getting out of hand. I talked to a friend of mine who is in the same exact boat I am. She and I have been friends since 6th grade and went all the way through college together. We're both certified to be History teachers, but neither of us can get a job. After talking to her, I definitely feel a bit better. But, hopefully something will change soon.

Well, that's all for today! Its nice and sunny here today...hope you're having great weather wherever you are! :)


  1. I really hope this job search thing goes well, and soon! And I gotta get some of that chocolate creamer lol!

  2. I am glad you are doing well on the prenatal. They can be nasty for some people. Me? I have to take any vitamin on a full stomach, or I get ill. Teaching jobs? Woe to us! It'll happen, right!?!??!

  3. It's funny how when the baby bug bites...it's all you can think about! ah ha ha. The second baby bug has bitten me!
