Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to school?

I'm doing it. I'm going back to school to get my Master's Degree in History. Lord help. I'm excited/nervous/scared out of my mind.

I've been out of school for two years now...just long enough for my mind to become lazy. For me to forget how to correctly write and research a History paper, how to think the way a Historian should think and enough time for me to lose all confidence in any intelligence I once had.

Since graduating, my whole world has revolved around surviving on my own, paying bills, budgeting, and wedding planning. The girl who once kept up with all things politics, the girl who could tell you any current event at any given time and the girl who could answer a History question in no time is long gone. I barely keep up with politics or current events and I can barely answer a simple History question. Once again, Lord help. 

My plan was to go straight into a graduate program after finishing my Bachelor's. I was accepted into a school in Missouri, as well as a local one here. I decided I couldn't go thirteen hours away from my family, so the local one it was! However, the college I graduated from messed up my final transcripts. So, by the time it was fixed, the semester was about to start and I couldn't take a day off from work. Boo! Dr. Page, the department chair, and I have been e-mailing one another all morning. I have to go through the admission process all over, but I should be accepted. I mean, nothing's changed since I applied the first time.

Maybe this will all help me feel better? I feel like such a failure b/c I have yet to obtain a teaching position and I didn't take the time to make sure everything was in the right place for me to begin Graduate school.

Please say a little prayer for me this Fall! I am definitely going to need all the help I can get!


  1. Yay, I'm so excited for you! Just keep doing what you're doing, working on your other goals, and when the right job comes around you'll be able to focus on it more because you'll have already knocked out the other stuff. I'm glad you're doing what you want, and I'm sure everything will come back to you quicker than you thought it would! :o)

  2. Ok, I've tried to post comments on many of your posts...but then they aren't there! Hopefully this will work!
    I know you can do it and I'm proud of you! :)
    Love you Tiffy!
