Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Blogger's Block"

I feel like I should write something today, but I don't have anything to say.

My parents' electricity  finally came back on this morning. There is also someone coming to cut the up tree  today. I'm so happy they're finally able to come back home and not worry about being in someone's way! Whit, Nathan and Emma get to come home and have Emma where she belongs!

Here are some pics of the damage the tree did:

You can see how many trees fell that night! They were so lucky only one actually hit the house!

At least dad's icicle lights held up! :)

There are so many people in our area still w/o power and, now, many are w/o water. I still can't believe how lucky me and my hubby have been throughout all of this. We were without power for only 26 hours, compared to those who have been w/o since Friday evening. We haven't lost our water and there's no fear of us even losing it. I've gotten to come home to a warm apartment, cook a hot meal and take a hot shower everyday. This whole mess has really given me a new outlook on things. It has made me realize that I need to be a lot more grateful for things, instead of complaining over everything.

I can't wait to see my family tomorrow. I was already so homesick, but knowing that they're up there suffering and there's nothing I can do, has made it so much worse!

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

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