Thursday, December 31, 2009

Maybe Next Year...

Is it really time for 2010 already? 2009 sure did fly by! And I, for one, am glad to see it go!

I've had some amazing things happen this year; my precious little niece arrived in August, my sister and I finally got to "meet" our two oldest sisters (I'll post about that later!), and I married my best friend. However, this year has brought many hardships upon me and my family. I'm ready for 2010! A new year, a new decade and a brand new start!

Do you guys have any New Year's Resolutions? I never make resolutions because, for one, I am never determined enough to follow through with them. What's that song lyric by Saving Jane? I've got good intentions, but I never follow through. That suits me perfectly. I'm determined, for right now anyway, to make some changes in this upcoming year. Maybe now that I've confessed that here for all the world to see, I'll have some motivation to keep it going? Hopefully.

When I started thinking about resolutions, I wondered where they came from. So, I headed over to Google. Many of the websites are saying that New Year's Resolutions began with the Babylonians. Now days, we promise to lose weight, become debt free, quit smoking, etc. The Babylonians? They vowed to return borrowed farm equipment. Makes sense. It also says that the early Christians used the first day of the new year to reflect back on mistakes they made the previous year and then they would resolve to fix them. Again, makes sense.

Let's see...following with the early Christians, here are my mistakes and what I plan to do to fix them. :) Enjoy!

  • In 2009, I ate entirely too much, resulting in me gaining too much weight. 
    • In 2010, I plan on starting a reasonable weight loss plan. I'm ready to shed these unwanted pounds!
  • In 2009, I was so focused on the wedding, that I was too lazy tired to keep up with keeping our apartment clean/organized.
    • In 2010, I plan on cleaning/organizing our apartment and keeping it that way.
  • In 2009, I spent too much money. Way too much money.
    • In 2010, we plan on getting out of debt as much as possible.

Okay, I know there are only three, but if I have too long of a list, then there will be no chance of me sticking to it!

Everyone have a fun and safe night tonight! Don't drink and drive, call someone!

Me, my hubby and some others friends are gonna watch the Chick-Fil-A Bowl! UT vs. VT? This will not end well!


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